SASA Impact is a respected regional club program actively involved in the EMSA leagues at the youth level. Players from St. Albert, Edmonton, and surrounding areas enjoy professional fitness sessions and Academy training under the direction of Licensed Coaches, access to premier fields, facilities, and more.
Currently, we have thirty U9 - U19 teams playing competitively in EMSA & AYSL leagues.
Interested in coaching for St. Albert Impact?
Complete the Coach application form and submit it to
Open Sessions (Player Placements)
As our organization has done in the past, we conduct open training sessions as opposed to tryouts for the outdoor season. Open training sessions are an opportunity for players to join one of our teams in advance of the outdoor season. All players attending an open training session, whether a returning players or new to our Club will be offered a spot in our program, as we have teams competing at multiple tiers.
Club team open sessions (Tiers 1-3) will take place during the month of March in advance of Outdoor 2023. The U9 and U11 teams will have these sessions starting on March 13th with all the remaining teams (U13 and older, including APDL) having theirs starting on March 20th. All rosters will be finalized by March 31st.
For a player to attend these open sessions, simply contact the head coach of the appropriate birth year to set up a date for the player to join an open session.
2023 Outdoor Club Coaches - click here
Players whose birth year is deemed "out of scope", can request to be considered by contacting the Technical Director.
Please Note:
The open sessions at St. Albert Impact are "ongoing" and we reserve the right to "place" players up/down/across at any time, based on feedback/observation/performance. This is to facilitate teams of both like-minded and like-skilled whilst recognizing the fluidity of player maturation and development.
U8/U9 Skill Centre
SASA offers an Academy training-based program for players within our U8/U9 age group who are interested in committing more time to their own development.
Overseen by SASA's Technical Director, players train twice a week. Age-specific teams will be formed to compete in external leagues where no statistics or standings are kept. These league games allow the introduction of game tactics which are an integral part of each player's development.
2015 - $387.50
2014 - $510.00
U11 - U17 Programs
SASA offers players the opportunity to train and develop in a highly competitive environment from U11 to U19, in Tier 1 and Tier 2. Our teams compete in external leagues that best fit their competitive development.
Players are selected through the player placement process, taking into consideration the player's developmental stage. Once placed on a team, players will be provided with the appropriate training environment to help them elevate their game, both individually and as a team.
2012/2013 - $595.00
2010/2011 - $660.00
2006-2009 - $675.00
Adult Impact Programs

As a next step, players who turn 16, have the opportunity to further challenge themselves by playing as a Trialist on one of our Adult Impact teams who participate in EDSA / AMSL.
SASA also provides an opportunity for players who have finished their youth careers in our club, to tryout for our Adult Impact teams or participate in one of SASA's many adult programs. For more information on our adult programs, click here.
Player Development Program (PDP)

This program is designed to meet the needs of players with the desire to train and perform at the highest youth level possible. The Player Performance Pathway that these athletes enter offers many aspects that will provide elements for them to meet their needs in achieving participation at the highest level. The framework for the competition element of this program is suggested to include scouting events monitored by Canada Soccer as well as direct opportunities to be viewed by professional clubs and accredited post-secondary institutions.
All of the PDP Head Coaches will have a minimum of a CSA National B License or CSA National Youth License (or enrolled in a course).
For Indoor, the Impact PDP teams will be playing 11v11 matches on a regular basis with other National Licensed Club Teams, as well as teams from older age groups.
For Outdoor, the Alberta Youth Soccer League competition will be “periodized” across a full calendar year, allowing for:
-Scheduled breaks throughout the calendar year to avoid training overload
-Matches to be scheduled with adequate intervals between them
-Planning and recovery time for clubs, coaches, players, and families.
PDP fees are $1160.00 for the Outdoor season and include all on-field training (2-3 times per week), licensed coaches, additional staff personnel such as Athletic Therapists, and league fees associated with this team. These fees include fitness and sport psychology components.
The Impact Experience
Player Development Center (PDC)
No More School Gyms
During the indoor season, our players receive two training sessions a week at SASA's Player Development Center. This facility is equipped with full size and U12 size goals and high end artificial field turf to allow players the opportunity to develop their skills in the proper environment.
Academy Training
Throughout the season, all teams U11+ will receive a minimum of 10 academy training sessions that are run by qualified license coaches.
Click here to see our roster of our Academy Coaches.
Fitness Training
All teams U13+ are run through a minimum of 10 Fitness sessions delivered by qualified fitness experts to give our players the strength and conditioning required during the final moments of the match.
Click here for more information on our Sports Science Programs.
Fees are set seasonally based on known actual costs such as club league fees, tryouts, fitness, academy, equipment, coach honorariums, and more. Indoor fees are typical $700 - $900 with additional team fees possible.
Team Travel
Many Impact teams travel for tournaments and training throughout Alberta as well as outside of the province to challenge our players. In addition, some teams may attend Showcase tournaments to offer opportunities for players to be seen by Post Secondary and Professional Team Scouts.
New to the Region?
Joining a Team Mid-Season. For players moving into the region mid-season, please contact us and we will put you in touch directly with the applicable Coach/Team.
Open Sessions (Player Placement) Process
Outdoor Open Sessions (Player Placement ) Process
Interested players must contact the head coach directly to attend an open session.
Indoor Open Sessions (Player Placement) Process
Interested players must contact the head coach directly to attend an open session. All sessions take place at 61 Riel Drive.
Payment options are in place for all Impact players
- Online: VISA/ MasterCard in full or by installment
- In Office: Debit, Cash or Cheque. Cheque payments may be made in three equal payments.
Wall of Fame
Individual Accomplishments
We are extremely proud of these players, who are constantly pushing their teammates to new standards. Click here to see their accomplishments.
Where Are They Now?
We are proud of the players who have developed through our program and what they've accomplished since then. Click here to see their accomplishments.