Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions about our programs, policies, and everything you need to know.
Registration and TeamSnap
St. Albert Soccer offers House League / Community Citywide (recreational), Skill Centre (U8 - U10 Intro to Competitive Club), Competitive Club (Tier 1 - 3) and Adult (over 17) programs.
Full Program descriptions can be found under Youth Programs by selecting the appropriate birth year.
You register via the SASA website HERE that links to a TeamSnap registration form. Early Bird registration opens August 1 (Indoor) and February 1 (Outdoor). Choose the appropriate registration form based on what you wish to do.
SASA accepts registrations from residents of St. Albert as well as the surrounding areas.
TeamSnap is an amazing free app that the St. Albert Soccer Association uses to register players, roster teams, communicate with parents/coaches, send out practice/game schedules, and much more.
Yes. Our Impact Center of Excellence offers additional skills training through our I.C.E Program with qualified coaches. These optional programs focus on the further development of skills outside of their current team setting. More information can be found on our Impact Centre of Excellence page.
Yes, SASA offers Keeper training for U9 – U19 with a separate registration. Skill and age-appropriate training focused on fundamental technical skills such as ball handling, positioning, shot stopping, footwork and distribution skills will be coached.
Online payment by credit card is required to register for any of our programs. Debit, cheque or cash is accepted in our office during office hours. Unpaid registrations do not hold a spot for that child.
You must accept the invitation to join your soccer team via email. You must supply a valid email address to receive the communication via TeamSnap.
Please click here to 'TeamSnap's Member and Contacts Guide to Getting Started' on their website to find the answer to your questions/issues.
However, if you are still running into trouble, you can also contact support at
Early Bird registration is offered during the first two weeks of our registration window
After the Early Bird window closes, registration fees are increased by an additional $50 fee for Outdoor and a $30 fee for Indoor will be applied.
After the Registration Month ends, late registration is possible but not guaranteed.
If you sign up late, you will be placed in an open spot on a team perhaps not in your neighbourhood. All information regarding what team your child(ren) is on, coaches, practice/games times, and other questions will be communicated once they are placed.
Every summer, SASA offers two weeklong Summer Camps for U5 – U11. These camps occur in July and August.
Separate registration is required for these camps.
Pie Chart - Fee Breakdown 2018:
- Alberta & Canada Soccer registration & insurance
- field rentals
- EMSA League fees
- referee fees
- keeper training
- keeper allowance for gloves
- balls, nets, pinnies, cones, first aid kits, corner flags, nets, etc
- training jerseys
- keeper gloves & keeper jerseys
- shorts, socks, jerseys (U9-U19 tier 4-7)
- coaching courses
- volunteer appreciation events
- coaching honorariums and rebates
- gear for coaches
- technical training
- facility maintenance including fields and buildings
- overhead including utilities, advertising, IT services, office supplies, website, online registration
- Club administration and staffing costs
- Provincial & National funds for qualifying teams
SASA does allow registration withdrawal requests as per our Withdrawal Policy. Please click here to view the policy and instructions.
Teams and Coaches
You will be invited to join a team on TeamSnap via email, where you can see your roster, coaches and schedule.
House League Teams will be formed from paid registrations once registrations are completed.
To the extent possible, teams will be formed:
- Based on the neighbourhoods in St. Albert or by combining communities as numbers dictate
- Out of District players will be added to complete rosters and balance birth years
- The location of players will be taken into consideration based on declared Residence Location and/or Postal Code
- Teammate Requests in which both houses submit a request, will be honoured as much as possible.
Competitive teams are formed from open Player Placement sessions prior to the soccer season.
Teammate Requests are possible but cannot be guaranteed in the Community Program. Requests between friends are limited to one, mutual (back & forth) request for players registered in U5 - U11 House League programs. This allows both families to give consent and for us to see that consent.
- Separate registration is required. (Teammate Request)
- Available during Earlybird registrations ONLY.
- Players must be registered in the same program.
- Requires a $25 fee from each player making the request.
- This may result in placement outside of your community/neighbourhood.
Any unmatched Teammate Requests will have a credit of $25 refunded via the method paid.
Our House League and Citywide programs utilizes volunteer coaches.
Volunteer coaches will be provided with coaching resources to enable this to be simple and fun for the novice coach as well as those without soccer backgrounds.
Coaches will be added to TeamSnap rosters at the same time as players and will be visible in your TeamSnap App as non-players.
House League Coaches:
Register by completing the Team Officials form and coach your child’s team. Find a neighbour/friend to coach with and sign up as a coaching team.
A Coach Orientation meeting is held every season to go over background checks, practice, games and to get your questions answered.
All SASA Coaches are required to obtain a Criminal Records & Vulnerable Sector Check (CPIC) every three years. A volunteer letter of introduction for RCMP/EPS with instructions will be sent via email.
Coaches with current CPICs are eligible for a ‘thank-you’ Coach Credit ($50) at the completion of the season.
Competitive Coaches:
Once per year, Competitive Coaching appointments are reviewed, and new applicants are invited to apply click here Interviews are completed with appointments announced in August after the SASA Board of Directors has been presented with the list of coaches for review. Competitive appointments are generally for one year, however, there are occasions when a commitment ends early, so please don't hesitate to apply any time during the year. Competitive Coach applications are always welcome. Send completed competitive Coach applications to
All coaches will receive ongoing support through “The Locker Room” on our website.
- Simple, easy-to-understand practice plans are provided
- Coach t-shirts, hats & toques provided
- Equipment provided - Cones, pinnies, etc.
- Practice sessions are booked by SASA for the season.
SASA also encourages all coaches to take the age-appropriate NCCP (National Coach Certification Program) with the registration fee paid by SASA.
Jersey’s, Practice and Games
House League / Tier 4-7:
Each player will receive their jersey from their coach at their first game, practice, or team meeting. The players will keep the House League jerseys at the end of the season.
Each team will distribute their team's jerseys at the beginning of the soccer season. The jerseys are on loan for each season.
House League / Citywide:
U4 - U11; Once assigned to a team, you can see your child’s team's roster and schedule in your TeamSnap app as well as on the SASA website.
U13 - U19; EMSA Website
Schedules will be posted on the league's website that your child is playing in.
Indoor season
Practices are booked by SASA and take place at Servus Place (400 Campbell Road) or at SASA's Player Development Center (PDC) (19 Renault Cres.)
Outdoor season
Practices are left to the discretion of the team’s coaches and take place throughout the City of St. Albert soccer fields & at SASA's Clubhouse (61 Riel Drive).
Games will be evenings for the Outdoor season and weekends for the Indoor season. You can see tentative days of play, listed under Youth Programs.
U4-U11 Each program will play on age-appropriate sized City of St. Albert fields in Outdoor and Servus Place in Indoor.
U13-U19 Home games in St. Albert and away games in Edmonton in Outdoor and ESA Facilities in Indoor.
All Referees and Assistant Referees complete the Referee Training Program through ASA (Alberta Soccer Association). Our referee assignor is Paull Cameron.
At no time will abusive language or actions be tolerated. Such actions could result in ejection from a game and possible expulsion from future games. We take sportsmanship seriously and intend to set good examples for our members.
This is a mandatory program for all U11 – U19 teams.
Each team is required to assign and write on the game sheet one team parent as the Referee Liaison for each game. This person cannot be part of the coaching staff on the roster. They will be identifiable to the Referee by wearing the Referee Liaison (RL) armband/ID badge. He/she must be a reasonable person with whom a referee can confer if they are having problems with team spectators and must be willing to help referees diffuse minor situations.
Mandatory Player Equipment
- Appropriate footwear
- Indoor - Runners (U4 – U9) or indoor soccer shoes (U11 & older)
- Outdoor - Runners (U4 – U9) or outdoor soccer cleats (U11 & older)
- Shin Guards (to be worn under socks)
- Soccer socks
- Shorts
- Personally labeled water bottle
Players should come to practice ready to play. This means that they are required to wear the same gear as for their games with the exception of their game jersey.
FIFA Law 4 states “A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of Jewelry).”
All watches, earrings, neck chains, bracelets, etc. MUST be removed prior to the game and cannot be taped over. Please plan accordingly.
Medic Alert bracelets, however, are exempt but MUST be taped for safety.
Yes. We recommend every child to have their own ball for our House League soccer program.
- U4 - U7 - size 3 ball (SASA supplies these for all on-field activities).
- U9, U11 – size 4 ball
- U13 and up – size 5 ball
All Community players should get roughly equal time on the field and opportunity to excel.
Still Have Questions?
Contact Us!
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Contact Us
(780) 884-1054
T8N 3Z3
Hours of Operation
Mon - Thurs, 10:00 - 17:00
Fri - 09:00 - 16:00
Weekends & Statutory Holidays – CLOSED
Thanks for your message! We’ll be in touch soon.